<img src="https://secure.leadforensics.com/176401.png" style="display:none;">
Here you grow.


After successful completion of the course, the participants can assess various areas of the Smart Documents application and its relevance with respect to other tools. It will help developers create complex templates and decide on the reusability of existing Smart Document templates via Smart pre-sets. It will also help estimate the exact efforts to develop customer-specific templates.


M01: M01: Smart Documents overview and usage in Contentserv
  • Short functional comparison to other output solutions
  • Short usage scenarios for Smart Documents
  • Smart Document Exports from tree, list, and Editor
  • Export as HTML and PDF
  • Export to destination browser
  • Export to destination attribute
  • Export to destination DAM file with reference to PIM
M02: Coding a simple Smart template
  • Smart Document is a Contentserv plugin
  • Developer skills are required
  • Coding a simple but completely functional Smart template
  • Detect the limits and improve the simple Smart template
  • Create Smart pre-sets for HTML and PDF
M03: Extending the Smart template
  • Using HTML snippets
  • Using a method for each snippet
  • Include pre-set options
  • Complex data sources
  • Loops
M04: Smart Documents configuration
  • Use an HTML Smart Document as a preview in the PIM
  • Create a Smart Document in the PIM and store the PDF in the DAM
  • Create references from PIM product to the PDF Smart Document in the DAM